Legal assurance for
3D printing platforms



The uploading and sharing of certain 3D files can be infringing on several legal grounds, such as copyright law, patent law, utility design law and trade mark law. Uploading and sharing the content can also be unlawful or illegal on the basis of other grounds such as general tort law, breach of confidentiality, breach of contract or criminal laws.


If the platform does not response correctly to a request to remove content, it could be liable for not removing the unlawful, infringing or illegal content.
In the alternative, if the allegations turn out to be unfounded, the platform could be liable for the removal of content or providing contact details about the user without permission.


Every notice for removal should be checked carefully observing the interests of both sides. Not only the rights invoked by the complainant should be considered, but also the rights and privacy rights of the user who uploaded the content to the platform.

our solution

3D Clearing House is a foundation which aims to provide the legal assessment and the administration of all complaints concerning the removal of allegedly infringing or otherwise unlawful or illegal content.
Contact us for more details how to minimize your liability.

prevent liability

We take care of your notice and takedown procedure
Surveys show: IP and liability claims are main threat to 3D printing

3D printing platforms receive requests to remove online content every day. And the number of complaints is likely to increase dramatically.

Even if the content is uploaded by a user, the platform could be liable for making certain content available. The content can be unlawful, illegal or infringing based on several grounds, such as copyright law or patent law.

How should the intermediary respond to such requests?

This is the critical question. If the intermediary does not choose the correct option it could be liable for not removing the unlawful or infringing content. The platform could also be liable for the (wrongful) removal of content or by providing contact details without permission.

3D Clearing House is a foundation which aims to provide a process for reliable assessment and administration of complaints concerning allegedly infringing or otherwise unlawful content.

Contact us for more details how to prevent or minimize liability!

  • What we do

    The platform receives a notice of allegedly infringing or unlawful content.

  • 3D Clearing House takes care of NTD-procedure

    3D Clearing House takes care of the NTD-procedure of multiple platforms.

  • Assessment and clearance

    3D Clearing House makes the legal assessment on behalf of the platform.